Some weapons for Comfy Chair Mechs....
Bob wanted to up size some weapons for his Wolf and Spider Mechs, he sent me some sketches and what I had hoped would be a quick project turned out to take a bit of time. Bob has always been very patient and gracious and even with the unexpected delay he did not break stride. These went off to the printer tonight and I cant wait to see these mounted and ready for combat. You can see the wonderfull mechs these fit on over at John Bear Ross's blog page.
Why Horror Games Suck!

I also want to point out that the Penumbra games all have their share of flaws from the stuff below and are by no means exceptions from the rule. However, it is always a start to notice what kind of flaws that exist, so that one can work upon fixing them. It is our goal that our upcoming game Amnesia will minimize on these sucky aspects! Now that I have lined up the mistakes, it would be quite stupid to step into them.
Control is taken away when things get scary
"The protagonist enters a seemingly empty room, starts looking around when suddenly a strange sound is heard from outside. Something is about to enter and it's time to hide. At this point the game removes the player's control and a cut-scene is started showing how the protagonist hides and just barely manages to remain unseen by the approaching monster."
This is a very common situation and I have seen it in just about every horror game that I have played. Just about when things are about to get really scary, the player's control is taken away. Why does this keep happening in games? It's been over 10 years since Half-Life skipped having cut-scenes and it seem rational that all horror games should be using this approach by now.
I think the major reason for still using cut-scenes like this is because a certain scenes requires "special moves" (like hiding) from the protagonist and/or will lead to a strange situation if the player does play along (tries to kill the approaching monster or similar). This does not mean that the cut-scenes are needed though and scenes can be rewritten or game mechanics can be changed to make it work. It is also possible to allow players to do really stupid decisions as long as they has been given a fairly good hint on what a good action would be. If some of the players insist on walking up to the man seen butchering his victims then just put them up against him in an unwinnable fight. Next time they should be a lot more careful...
Another reason for designers to add cut-scenes is because they do not want the player to miss something. In horror games this could mean a shadow briefly seen in the distance or similar. Often this is very sloppy design and some simple changes can make the shadow almost impossible to miss. Let's not forget that it is an interactive medium either and it is often trivial to add some line-of sight check and activate the shadow when the player is actually looking in that direction. Sure, a small percentage of the players might miss it, but that is something one has to live with when working in an interactive medium.
If one needs to have a cut-scenes in a horror game, then make sure not to have it during the actual horror segments. Doing that is like having Mario enter a cut scene when he is about to jump from one platform to another.
Combat is designed to be fun
Many horror games are fairly combat oriented and because of this a great deal of design time is spent making sure that combat is fun. If players will spend a lot of time killing stuff, is it not reasonable to make the combat fun? Unless the goal is not to make a really scary horror game then the answer to this is "NO".
If fighting the monster is the best part of the game, then this what players will want to do. In horror games, where enemies almost always are the main mechanics for making the player scared, this approach is counterproductive. Players are supposed to fear the monsters, but if killing them is what makes the game worth playing then enemies are bound to be a lot less scary. If one gains positive feedback whenever an enemy is encountered then approaching sounds might give a reactions like: "Oh, that might be an enemy! Goodie!". This is of course the completely opposite of what a horror games strives for.
But if combat is not "fun", then will it not be boring, meaning that the game will be boring too? I would like to answer this with a loud "NO" this time too. First of all, combat can be "unfun" for many different reasons and some reasons are better than others. For example, the combat still needs to be pretty fair, responsive and not feel too frustrating. A good way to make the combat feel unfun is by resources, an example being System Shock 2 where ammo is very sparse and weapons will degrade (and eventually break) whenever used. In Silent Hill (the older titles anyways) combat use responsive controls but aiming can be imprecise and a bit clumsy, making it feel more like a last resort than the basis of fun in the game.
These examples have their own flaws, but point at least in the right direction. Also, with all the problems that combat give rise to, one might consider skipping it altogether. Even though it might be hard to believe, violence is not the only way to drive gameplay...
Overusing the same enemy
Usually a monster in a horror game has some kind of spooky encounter at which they are quite frightening, but then an hour into gameplay, they have become cannon fodder. For some reason, designers seem to think that all hope is lost after this encounter and that they might as well scatter thousands of copies into the rest of the game. Or perhaps they think that if it was scary once it will be scary every other time too (embarrassingly, I am guilty of this myself in the past). Horror is tightly connected to the unknown and if something becomes too familiar then the impact that it first had will be lost. This means that for an enemy to remain scary, the way it is presented needs to vary and the player can not be exposed to it too much. Players will eventually learn patterns, what to expect and the moment this happen, pretty much all scariness connected to the enemy is lost.
I think the main reason that this flaw is present in just about every horror game is because content is so expensive and time consuming to make. Players need to have something to do when playing and the easiest way to do this is to scatter enemies around the levels. This is far from good horror design though and just leads to repetitive and predictable gameplay instead a truly frightening and engaging experience.
The monster is always shown
A well known fact in horror is that the audience's own imagination is the greatest asset. It allows the horror to be more vague and people to project their own fears into the experience. Because of this, many books and movies keep the monster hidden in darkness, not revealing its true form until the very end or not at all.
In games it is quite different. Sure, before a monster is shown there can be shadows and strange sounds, but as soon as it comes into play it's there in full high-poly detail (preferably with lots of slime and/or gore). It seems like horror games are way too anxious to show of the monsters and there are extremely few games that uses an unseen enemy as a gameplay device (and not just some foreboding ambient piece). I suggest that games should add proper gameplay mechanics to an unseen monster and if possible even refrain from showing it at all!
Some might wonder how an enemy that is not seen can affect gameplay, if it can hurt the player, surely it must be visible? I do not think this is needed and in Penumbra: Black Plague we had an enemy that was entirely sound based and never shown in the game. It was far from perfect and had a plenty of flaws but it is at least a step in the right direction. If horror is to reach new levels in games, the fear of the unknown must be used to the fullest!
The horror is slapped on as a side thing
The final reason why horror games suck sort of tie in to all of the above. For some reason it almost always seems like the horror is an afterthought in games. First the game main gameplay design is made (third person shooting, Myst-like puzzle adventure, etc) and then some kind of horror theme is slapped on top. Surely this is not the way horror games are designed, but to design the gameplay mechanics without considering the horror aspect seem fairly common. FEAR is the dictionary example of this where the horror elements are clearly separated from the main gameplay in a very obvious way. The player goes through a section of John-Woo-like shootouts and then after that is a horror section where a scary girl shows up or similar. It soon obvious that these scary sections never pose any threat to the player and the horror factor is greatly decreased. The combat also does nothing to increase the horror, instead it just lessen it by making the player feel everything but vulnerable as wave after wave of enemies are mowed down.
This divide in design is present in pretty much all games though and a lot of the gameplay is designed in isolation from the horror elements (as mentioned above, the most common thing is the entire combat system). I think this problem is fairly common in other games genres too. Instead of trying to combine the gameplay with the story told and feeling that are to be evoked, they are designed separately and then forced together. If games are to reach new heights in terms of telling stories and being emotional than this needs to be improved upon. One can not see the game as a story part and a gameplay part, but have to realize that they both need to support each other.
Until this happens in horror games (and other genres too) they will continue to suck*.
*or at least not be as good as they could :)
Match and collect beautiful island creatures, then watch as they turn to gold! This unforgettable journey will take you from beach to jungle to volcano. But you have to reach the top before the volcano erupts to win the ultimate treasure. Choose your difficulty level and your destiny by following your own path around the island. Lose yourself in this exotic setting
Fantastic Farm
Help the fresh out of school Maggie run her magical farm! Use a variety of magic powers to grow a small farm into a prosperous enterprise! Care for the animals, grow plants and make enchanted goods in Fantastic Farm! Earn trophy achievements and keep the sinister business man from shutting your farm down. Make ice creams, sweaters, strawberry pies and lots more in this fun and addicting Time Management game!
First Class Flurry
Starlink Airlines has gone bankrupt. After learning she's jobless, Claire has a serious panic attack - that is, until the phone rings. The new owner of Starlink Airlines wants to rebuild the business by hiring top talent. Claire might be a little rusty as a flight attendant - help her back into the groove by serving coffee promptly to passengers. Fly in First Class Flurry as a star attendant in this Time Management destination game.
Horror Tip: Korsakovia

Type: Game (Half Life 2 Mod)
Link: Mod DB page (info + download)
Masterminded by the same guy that made Dear Esther is a highly experimental horror game about a man with Korsakov's syndrome. Its tag line goes:
"The paramedics report that they were unable to find his eyes. We think he may have eaten them."
If you like me find that awfully intriguing then go on and play the game now and read the rest of the post later!
I have put up posting a horror tip for Korsakovia for quite a while because of the simple reason that I have not been able to complete it! I have still not managed to do so, but thought it was time to make a post about it anyway. My inability to complete it highlights the strength and weakness of the game quite well: First, the game is quite demanding on your eyes and ears with a dark environments and extremely unnverving sounds at times. Secondly, the game is frustrating as hell as it is hard to orient oneself in the similarly looking environments and some gameplay parts are very unforgiving.
As said above, and different compared to Dear Esthter, Korsakovia has actual gameplay elements consisting on bashing (or avoiding) monster and some annoying first person platforming. Especially the platforming feels quite unfair and is awefully frustrating to the point where the otherwise excellently built-up atomsphere goes away. I feel that the game would have been a lot better without any of this gameplay and experiencing this makes the game extra interesting to play. It clearly shows how the player's attention diverts from being immersed to focusing on the game's mechanics when gameplay gets too frustrating.
What really shines in Korsakovia (and made me play it as long as I did!) is the haunting atomosphere and the script consisting of the protagonist talking to his doctor who may or may not be real. The game is quite abstract and there are no clear goals or motivations, yet it managed to captivate me and want me to play more. This also makes the game an excellent experiement in player motivation, as it differs quite a bit from other games. Finally, as noted above, the game is quite hard on the senses and is far from a fun experience, proving the point that games do not have to be "fun" to be engaging. Note that these "brain-fuck"parts of the game where not what eventually made me stop playing; it was the combination of that and the bad gameplay. Had the gameplay been more streamlined and solid, I am sure I would have played to the end.
In conclusion, Korsakovia is very interesting game from a design perspective and I urge you all to play it as long as you can stand it. However, from a gameplay experience stand-point I think it fails, mainly becuause of some unfair and extremly frustrating sections.
To play it Half Life 2 - Ep 2 is needed (I do not think the normal hl2 works). Download the zip and extract to "steamapps\SourceMods". Then start the game through steam.
Mandelbulb comes to Mac!
Finally, to end our fractal-odyssey, the MathFuncRenderer has come to Mac!
Get it here:
As with the Linux version, Edward Rudd is that man behind the port.
If you like it, please spread the word!
Important note:
Because of some strangeness with Nvidia osx drivers, the program is unusable on some Nvidia cards. 7300 GT under Leopard under leopard is know to have this problem, and there might be more.
Get it here:
As with the Linux version, Edward Rudd is that man behind the port.
If you like it, please spread the word!
Important note:
Because of some strangeness with Nvidia osx drivers, the program is unusable on some Nvidia cards. 7300 GT under Leopard under leopard is know to have this problem, and there might be more.
Farm Frenzy 3: American Pie
Join Scarlett, the feisty star of Farm Frenzy 3, as she puts robots to work on her land. Can you keep up with the latest advancements in technology as you grow crops, feed animals, collect produce and manufacture goods? Of course you can! Just don't let the zany new animations distract you from the task at hand. Featuring 90 all-new levels packed with never-before-seen characters, buildings and challenges, Farm Frenzy 3: American Pie promises a bumper crop of fun!
Mandelbulb explorable in Linux

All this has been possible because of our Edward Rudd who makes all porting for Frictional Games.
Download link and stuff in this post (scroll to end):
If you like it, please spread the word :)
Mac version is also in the works and will come very soon!
For those wondering where all development and horror related post are, then I promise there will be some of that very soon! Got plenty of horror tips to share and more :)
Spooky Runes
Spooky Runes is a twist to Runes of Avalon 2. Avalon invaded by ghosts, ghouls, bats and scary cats is fun and spooky. Try to not feel a chill down your spine and collect enough runes to be able to treat your mates and get rid of ghosts.
Game features:
* 35 great levels
* Amulet of Spells with 4 spells
* 6 power-ups
* Spooky music & sound effects
Flowers Story
Help a young flower-loving girl save an ailing fairy and restore the balance of nature by matching flowers in this cute and adorable match-3 puzzle adventure. With over 80 fun-filled levels, Flowers is sure to delight and entertain puzzle fans of all ages. Follow a deep and involving story and discover the amazing world of Flowers.
Fitness Dash
Dinertown`s gotten soft in the middle! Help Jo run a successful chain of gyms in this high-impact Time Management game! After a staggering tug-of-war defeat against the Meatropolis Mashers fitness-minded Jo decides to get Dinertown`s citizens off the burgers and shakes and onto the treadmill! Get physical with Fitness Dash!
Flip or Flop Home Edition
Poor Granny has gotten herself in trouble again. She forgot to pay her taxes and now the Government has taken beautiful house. Now You have to help your poor Granny and start buying, renovating and selling houses. This is no easy task with over 99 houses to improve and make money selling you will have to match 3 your way thru tons of hours of gameplay to achieve your goal.
Eye for Design
Halle has graduated at the top of her class from the most prestigious interior decorator academy in Paris. Now she`s ready to take the next step and start her own business. Design and decorate ultimate dream homes for Halle`s stylistically demanding clientele from single-room studio apartments to elaborate multi-room mansions. Choose from hundreds of colorful, uniquely chic accessories and pieces of furniture in Eye for Design, a puzzle-filled adventure.
Farm Mania
Help Anna and her grandfather turn their fallow fields into a bustling business in this free-range Time Management game! Raise a huge variety of animals and crops; the more you produce the more you can buy. Build your farm with incredible upgrades and helpful abilities. Turn the excitement all the way up in the frenetic Arcade mode or enjoy the rustic pleasures of the simple life in Casual mode. Put your green thumb to work with Farm Mania!
Jewels of Sinai
Your quest for addictive, mesmerizing, puzzle matching fun will take you on a journey from Ancient Egypt, across the Red Sea, through the burning desert sands to Mount Sinai. Work quickly to match same colored jewels. If your puzzle skills are strong you will unlock the mysteries of the Jewels of Sinai and witness the unfolding story of a peoples' cry for freedom and the clash between the gods of Egypt and the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to rule the world.
Empire of the Gods
The Gods are known to favor the mightiest Pharaoh. Be whisked back in time, several centuries ago to Ancient Egypt when people built indescribable monuments. Work your way up from a small tribe to a flourishing Empire along the Nile. Build immense pyramids to tower over the Ancient cities in this mystical mind-bending Puzzle game. Can you architect a new, unstoppable Empire of the Gods?
Elven Mists 2
Bring light into a world of darkness, and become the liberator of Elvenland. This sequel takes you to the most enchanting slumber party of the year. Slip into the role of a young elf, an elven lad, just 99 years old. Soon youll be sailing in the shoes of the just retired Awakener of the Elves with your magic powers. Encounter 120 levels featuring 10 helpful spells in Elven Mists 2, a mystical Puzzle adventure.
Fairy Island
Fairy Island was a magical place untouched by human hands. But when Pirates wash up on shore, it spells trouble for everyone. Now the poor fairies are trapped inside magic crystals, and it`s up to you to break them out. On your quest, you`ll travel across the enchanted forests of Fairy Island, collecting golden acorns along the way. Then visit the Fairy Fare, where a golden acorn can buy unique fairy magic.
Back at it...
I got side tracked by a few things but I'm back at my customers orders and hope to be back in full swing shortly.
Spa Mania
Jade is an animal rights activist petitioning the cosmetics industry. After being challenged by Madame Dubois, a beauty industry empress, Jade dreams of starting her own earth friendly spa. To do this, she must first learn the ropes and deliver 5-star service in San Francisco. Use your Time Management skills to please guests with massages, facials, mud masks, and more. Use profits for things like ginseng tea and other upgrades. Can you manage the Spa Mania and indulge needy patrons?
Fashion Dash
Step into the designer shoes of Coco, a young woman with dreams of building a fashion empire, one custom fit at a time. Set in a series of exclusive retail shops, Fashion Dash delivers a steady stream of customers willing to pay big bucks for perfectly tailored attire. Use the chaining, seating, and customer service skills you learned in Diner Dash to please this new flock of fashionistas. Fashion Dash is a stylish Time Management game, guaranteed to fit.
Finding Doggy
It was another beautiful day at the farm and Doggy was out to play. But he was having too much fun and fell into Old Man Johnson`s truck, headed to the market. By the time Doggy jumped out it was too late. He was lost, a long way from home. Now you have to guide him back. Trace a matching path to clear the way. If you trace an extra long path, you get an extra bonus! Help Doggy meet new friends along the way. The farm is calling him back, but it`s up to you to show him the way!
Mystic Inn

Playing as Daphne, the unfortunate hostess ensnared by the enchanted Mystic Inn™, you serve all of the patrons in order to get magic to upgrade the inn. Once you have fully upgraded the establishment, the spell that locks Daphne within her confines can be broken. Five chapters with 50 levels take the user through the game with beautiful art and enthralling play, making Mystic Inn™ immersive and exciting. Play the potion building mini-game to create power-ups. Unlocking juggling frogs, a charming harp, your own take-out owl and other items make the game experience enriching.
Game Size 23MB
Screenshots: # 1 #2 # 3
Santa's Super Friends

Find out who Mr. Stink is and why he would steal all the toys right before Christmas! As you make your way from Candy Cane Cove to Santa's Workshop you'll meet some Super Friends along the way, like Edmund the Elf and Gingerbread Jr., who will give you information about Mr. Stink to help you get the toys back! With 60 progressively harder levels of play, 3 skill levels to choose from and even your very own Christmas Tree ornaments to collect, you'll be instantly hooked!
Game Size 50MB
Screenshots: # 1 #2 # 3
Cajun Cop: The French Quarter Caper

Join Cajun Cop Jacques Lamont as he pursues a gang of jewel thieves through the streets of the Big Easy. Scour the city for clues, from the haunts of the rich to gritty back alleys. As the evidence piles up, the puzzles and mini-games only become more baffling.
You'll need sharp eyes and keen wits as the gangsters attempt to cover their tracks. Will the long arm of the law ever bring them to justice? Join the pursuit and find out in Cajun Cop.
Game Size 64MB
Screenshots: # 1 #2 # 3
Natalie Brooks - Mystery at Hillcrest High

Game Size 123MB
Screenshots: # 1 #2 # 3
Flip Words 2
Click letters to flip them around and make words in this exciting sequel to one of the most captivating word games around. You can test your skills in Classic mode; get into Strategy mode where you can earn and spend tokens to help you solve the phrase; or, share the fun with your friend in Party mode! Flip Words 2 will keep tons of word fun at your fingertips!
Doc Tropics Fusion Island
From a tiny island in the South Pacific, nuclear fusion reactions create power for the entire globe. It's all thanks to the genius of Doc Tropic, the world's greatest and hardest working nuclear physicist. But when something goes wrong, the reactions that fuel the world now threaten to destroy it! Make your way across Fusion Island, defusing deadly atomic chains before they reach the reactor!
Believe in Santa - Sandy`s Story

Game Size 19MB
Candace Kane's Candy Factory Updated
Candace Kane's Candy Factory is an enormously addictive puzzle-action game that lets you step into the world of colourful candy creation. Candice Kane has just inherited her uncle's old candy factory. You take the role of assistant Candy-maker and help her make her way to the International Candy Cup Championships!
Game Size 91MB
Delicious: Emily's Holiday Season
Join Emily in this romantic new adventure through a winter wonderland! Meet her family and catch up with friends. Help and serve guests delicious holiday treats. Take part in jolly activities. Find out who the lucky guy will be! Brighten up your holidays with heartwarming fun!
Hotel Dash Suite Success
When Quinn's new travel business hits a snag, she needs Flo's patented elbow grease to help renovate and run hotels all over DinerTown! As Flo, you will deliver guest's luggage, drop off room service and provide extra towels, blankets and anything else they may need to stay happy and leave big tips! Along the way you will use your tips to decorate and restore each hotel back to its original charm. Watch out for the mysterious mishaps and accidents that threaten your progress! Do you have what it takes to keep everyone happy, or will the mysterious shadow halt your success?
Cat Wash
Go where all the cool cats come to get clean! Boogie down in this time management game through over 40 levels of disco and dance. When customers drop off their muddy kitties, it's your job to clean 'em up! Play through cat-themed minigames and buy new equipment for the shop, even a far-out disco ball!
NatGeo Games : Mystery of Cleopatra

As the Queen`s most trusted advisor, it is your task to investigate the murder of a Roman soldier, who had broken into Cleopatra`s palace. Use your Hidden Object skills to follow the clues as they lead you into a world of national politics and personal revenge! Explore the legendary land of Alexandria as you find objects, piece together evidence, and hunt for the murderer in the Mystery of Celopatra.
Game Size 163MB
Screenshots: # 1 #2 # 3
Around the World in 80 Days
You only have 80 days to circumnavigate the globe. Think that sounds easy? Travel back in time to the late 19th century and get ready for spectacular adventures on land, sea and air together with the English daredevil Phileas Fogg and his loyal French servant Passepourtout. Use the unique chance to visit four continents and complete the inconceivable journey to win the fantastic 20,000 pounds wager with this outstanding puzzler inspired by the classic adventure novel of the same name written by Jules Verne.
Have fun and feel free to leave your comments!
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