
Former Apple CEO John Sculley just launched a new line of cheap Android smartphones

Tech Select
August 28, 2015
Former Apple CEO John Sculley just launched a new line of cheap Android smartphones Former Apple CEO John Sculley just launched a new line of cheap Android smartphones

John Sculley's tenure as Apple CEO saw the launch of the PowerBook... Read»
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A revamped Apple TV could have huge smart home implications
A revamped Apple TV could have huge smart home implications
Apple will be releasing a new version of its Apple TV set top box in...  Read»
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The exercise habits that 12 tech titans use to stay in shape
The exercise habits that 12 tech titans use to stay in shape
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Auto insurers are using the Internet of Things to monitor drivers and cut costs
Auto insurers are using the Internet of Things to monitor drivers and cut costs
The auto insurance industry could save $21 billion in 2020 from reduced crashes due to IoT advancements.   Read»
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Apple's next iPhone event is confirmed for September 9
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10 things in tech you need to know today
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Here's what we know so far about the next iPhone
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The successor to the iPhone 6 is due to release in September. In...  Read»
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Facebook's Atlas takes digital advertising beyond the cookie – here's how
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New York and Silicon Valley are known as popular startup hubs, but there...  Read»
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